Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Orly-Digital Glitter

     Today I'm sharing my thoughts on Orly's Digital Glitter. Digital Glitter was released in the fall of 2013 for the Surreal Collection. Looking at the bottle you'd expect this polish to be your typical glitter bomb. But in reality, Digital Glitter has a clear base with fuchsia shimmer. A mix of gold square and hex glitters and red micro glitter round out the colors.

     I know this was meant to primarily be used as a topper, I decided to see just how many coats it would take to reach full coverage. While not as many as I was expecting, it still took 4 semi thick coats to cover 98% my nails. By this time the polish was starting to look really think, so I gave up on the full coverage idea.  I was rewarded with a TON of sparkle for my efforts.

The photo was taken in a lightbox

     I had a lot of trouble trying to photograph Digital Glitter. I had to turn my hand away from every light source, just to get some of the color to show up. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of the sparkle that way.

The photo was taken in a lightbox

     You can get a glimpse of the sparkle in this macro shot. Digital Glitter appears more purple on the nails, my camera kept wanting to capture the gold glitters. This polish is so pretty in real life that I feel like this review doesn't do it justice. It's lighter, has a more purple look to it, and just sparkles like the sun.

The photo was taken in Natural Lighting
     Overall I'd say you're better off using Digital Glitter as a topper, instead of trying to get full coverage. It's a prettier polish than my photos show, and I think it's a great addition to have in your collection. I feel like a bad blogger for not being able to showcase this polish properly. But I hope you enjoyed this post anyway.

     Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!


  1. I keep seeing this one and waffling on whether to pick it up or not. It looks so nice! If I get it, I do think I will take your advice and use it as a topper.

    1. It really in prettier in real life than my pictures show. I'm so sad that I couldn't capture it's true beauty. I took over 100 photos of this polish and none of them did it justice. It is much better used as a topper, too much of a headache to try to get full coverage. Just look at how goopy it is on my pinky..

  2. Yeah, it looks like it would be better topped over another color. Great swatches and review on it though.

    1. Thanks Lisa. I tried to do my best, even though my picture taking skills failed me.

  3. So pretty! I can only imagine how sparkly it was, because your pictures are sparkly!

    1. Oh I'm glad somebody thinks the pictures are sparkly! Compared to how sparkly it was in person, these pictures just seem to fall flat.

  4. Haha I've totally done this, wearing just the topper and see if I can get it fully opaque. Cute glitter!

    1. I just had to see if I could do it! I've got a few that work out really well and some that really should only be used as toppers.

  5. I'd definitely settle for using it as a topper or for gradients! The colours are really pretty though.

  6. Regardless of using it as a topper or not, your swatches gave me enough pull to want to look for this the next time I'm at Sally's!!! Glitter toppers can be so contrary sometimes but your swatches are gorgeous and make me want to try it out myself!!

    1. Awe thanks Dani. That makes me feel a lot better about this review. I was really nervous about posting it, because I know it's not some of my best work.

  7. What a beautiful polish! Here's a trick for you on getting toppers fully opaque: after applying the first coat with the bottle brush, sponge the rest on! The sponge soaks up the excess base, so you don't get the thick buildup of product. Plus once you get the hang of it, you can really pack the glitter where you want it to go. Personally, I try to apply as much of the coverage around the cuticle and sides with the brush as possible, and I use a small piece of sponge so I don't have a huge cleanup hassle, but it works if you're patient and careful!

    1. That's a great tip! Thank you. I'll have to give it a try, I've got a few more glitter toppers sitting in my pile of untrieds.


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