40 Great Nail Art Ideas - Black and White
Its time once again for another look from the 40 Great Nail Art Looks Challenge. For those of you who don't know, This challenge is set up a bit differently than most. For starters, there is the option to do weekly manicures with one week dedicated to themes, and one to colors. Or you can do every other week and stick with themes only or colors only. For the color portion of the challenge, each person is also assigned a pattern. The end result is 40 different looks all done in the same colors. If you saw my Teal or Orange, Purple and Green manicures you already know that I picked the every other week color option of the challenge.
This week the colors given to us were black and white and my pattern is swirls. I took a liberal or should I say creative approach with my pattern with a look originally done by Chalkboard Nails. (if you click on the link it will take you to the video tutorial.)
This week the colors given to us were black and white and my pattern is swirls. I took a liberal or should I say creative approach with my pattern with a look originally done by Chalkboard Nails. (if you click on the link it will take you to the video tutorial.)
And here is my finished look. I went for swirling smoke and sort of love how it turned out. Especially my pointer finger! Which of course is the last finger I did. Why is it that the last one always turns out the best? Do I really learn that much in 4 fingers about what not to or what to do? Maybe that's one of the great nail art mysteries that I will never find the answer to.
So to create this manicure I started out with 1 coat of Finger Paints Black Expressionism. Yes, you read that right 1 coat. This is seriously my favorite black nail polish! After that was dry I added a layer of top coat and waited about 15 minutes for it to dry before adding another generous layer of top coat. This is a very important step because you need to protect your base color from the acetone when making the "smoke".
After I was 100% sure my top coat was completely dry I added a little swoosh of white polish with my white striper and dabbed a flat brush dipped in acetone over it to get the effect. Doing one nail at a time until I was happy with the way it looked.
This is actually a really easy technique and I can see myself trying it out with a lot of color combinations. I wonder how well it would work with a glitter polish? I might have to try that for the holidays.
Do you think I went too far outside the box for this to be considered swirls or do you like my creative take on the pattern? Let me know in the comments and be sure to check out the other looks created for today's challenge. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Polishing!
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